Friday Flashback – Prosery Micro-fiction

Light of the Pyres – a Prosery Tale

All that happened was in the past. So long ago, there was no way to change anything. Naught to do but watch the rain fall on the tiny grave. The landscape was dim, lit only by the flames from the pyres for the dead. The sky roiled sullen scarlet orange, it was medieval. A shiver ran up her spine.

They had won the battle, but they had lost so much. Star had lost her way, lost herself. She scarcely recognized her reflection anymore. She had been forged in the furnace of battle, hammered on the anvil of loss and honed into a fine weapon by tactics and strategy. Her self remained no more, replaced by the soldier who was a stranger in her own body. And suddenly she understood the prophet’s words, “you will love again the stranger who was your self.” But how?

This post inspired by Fandango’s Flashback Friday
and originally written for dVerse Poets Prosery flash fiction challenge

Til next time ~May you hearth fire burn bright ~JP

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