A to Z challenge and SOCS


A to Z Challenge “D”
For Linda’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “deep.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

4.4.20 deep memories

Deep Memories

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep
but I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep”
~Robert Frost

Deep and dark have always equated to trouble in my lexicon. As a child, caught in an undertow, pulled out into deep water, I watched the shore slip away. I struggled to stay afloat as I fought against panic and waves. Until he was there taking me in strong arms, hooking my little arms around his neck issuing a command to “hold on” as he swam back toward the shore. Then standing in hip deep water, pulling me around to his chest and carrying me back to solid ground. The next day, he taught me to body surf and what the different surf warning flags meant. Just like always, Daddy was there. Until the day he wasn’t.

I’ve Been Watch You — Rodney Atkins

Til next time ~Peace ~JPP

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