Unique Unicorns – a Stream of Consciousness Tale

For Linda’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday where our weekly prompt is a doozy Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is starts with “u.” Find a word that starts with the letter “u” and use it however you’d like. Bonus points if it’s the first word in your post. Enjoy!

“Do you know how you catch a unique unicorn? You ‘neak up on ‘im.” ~Timmy age 8

A unicorn peaking out
of the undergrowth
unyielding boughs bar the way
watching as more unicorns
in the ubiquitous forest play
a quiet little unicorn
shy and uncertain
utterly still little unicorn waits
until the moon comes to her peak
a happy little unicorn dancing
knows he’s no longer unique

Til next time ~may you undulate undeterred under the full moon ~JP

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