Luminous Pears

thick fog lies heavy on the lake
ethereal mists that swirl dance
path lights shine through
like a trail of luminous pears
in the dark of the forest
the will-o-wisps lead me on
disappearing into the grayness
magically the fog begins to lift
making way for the sunlight

Stay wild Moonchild ~ JP

Forty-five Day Dairy Free Diet – Day 1

Photo by Pixabay on

My first full day without dairy. I purchased some diary free β€œcheese” and enjoyed a bit on my scrambled egg whites this morning. As with everything, the switch involves more planning, more work, and more math. Oooohhhh Math! πŸ™‚ We had frothed oatmilk creamer in our coffee and it was quite tasty and foamy. We are meeting #1 son for dinner tonight which will be challenging but there’s always green salad, right? Turns out even green salad tends to be covered with cheese. Who knew a dairy-free vegetarian meal would be so hard to come by. Long story short I did the best I could and it all turned out fine. Now to keep it going! πŸ™‚

Forty-five Day Dairy Free Diet

Photo by Pixabay on

In an attempt to control a stagnant asthma exacerbation I am dealing with, I have begun an elimination diet. Basically I go through known allergens one by one and eliminate them. First up is dairy. Whoa! This is gonna be interesting. I am a vegetarian so dairy has accounted for a good deal of my protein and calcium intake. I will be trying substitutes and post what I find. I will happily give up dairy if it improves my breathing, I am so tired of coughing.

Keepin’ it real (hack, cough, wheeze) ~ JP

June Arrived

Phyllis Diller from public archives

June arrived on the landscape like a child in a raucous colored dress, grinning from ear to ear. Between the gentle spring of May and the full blown summer of July, June is the playful month. All the hard work of sowing the new fields is done and the harvest has yet to arrive so she grins happily and dances on. The air is filled with music from the sweet warbling song of the robin, to the lamenting hoot of the mourning doves, to the assertive honking of the geese. The wild cacophony of life surrounds me.

Stay Wild Moon Child ~ JP


Photo by Isaque Pereira on

feathers float on air
Summer-warm leisure breezes flow
rocking my hammock

The robins are building nests and every bit of twine, stick, or feather is fair game. I watched one trying vainly to lift an artificial flower spike he had procured from who knows where. After several attempts, he gave up and tore one or two of the silk petals from it for his nest.

Stay wild moonchild ~ JP

Weight Management and Higher Vibes

As anybody who knows me will tell you, I have weight issues. A few weeks ago I decided it was time for some changes because Holy Toledo that stupid scale is plotting against me again. I took steps to avoid or at least minimize the dreaded steroid affect and my eating has remained fairly well controlled, although I am beginning to wonder exactly how many carrots one human can consume. Yesterday I was finally feeling well enough to begin back on my “morning movement” program which consists of intuitive dance and yoga. The dance in particular is very vibe raising and always makes me feel better immediately. After my morning routine today, I drew the above from my Spirit Junkie inspiration deck and , ya know what, it is incredibly true! Love those bits of synchronicity.

May your movement leave you feeling empowered. ~ JP