Forty-five Day Dairy Free Diet – Day 1

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My first full day without dairy. I purchased some diary free β€œcheese” and enjoyed a bit on my scrambled egg whites this morning. As with everything, the switch involves more planning, more work, and more math. Oooohhhh Math! πŸ™‚ We had frothed oatmilk creamer in our coffee and it was quite tasty and foamy. We are meeting #1 son for dinner tonight which will be challenging but there’s always green salad, right? Turns out even green salad tends to be covered with cheese. Who knew a dairy-free vegetarian meal would be so hard to come by. Long story short I did the best I could and it all turned out fine. Now to keep it going! πŸ™‚

Forty-five Day Dairy Free Diet

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In an attempt to control a stagnant asthma exacerbation I am dealing with, I have begun an elimination diet. Basically I go through known allergens one by one and eliminate them. First up is dairy. Whoa! This is gonna be interesting. I am a vegetarian so dairy has accounted for a good deal of my protein and calcium intake. I will be trying substitutes and post what I find. I will happily give up dairy if it improves my breathing, I am so tired of coughing.

Keepin’ it real (hack, cough, wheeze) ~ JP