2024 Journal – Holy Toledo!

Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com

This is a journal entry series about life for two aging spoonies in the post-pandemic world. Just random thoughts about our days. To see what’s going on in the Crone and Curmudgeon world, read on.

Holy Toledo – A Reality Check

Weird title for a journal entry huh? Well, yours truly stepped on the scale yesterday, something I should do every week but haven’t really done all Winter. Holy Toledo Hit the Brakes Batman!!! How did this happen? There’s no excuse, but a lot of reasons and mostly they involve that nemesis of Spoonies everywhere … pain and fatigue, and my Mommy. All that aside, it is time to take control of what I put in my mouth back from my emotions and put it in the hands of my brain. Wish me luck, I’m gonna need it 😉

Peace on a lettuce leaf ~ JP

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