A Phoenix in Kyoto – Haibun Monday

There is a Chinese Parasol tree in Kyoto, Japan. Grown from the seeds of the hibakujumoku, the trees that survived Hiroshima. It is a humbling reminder that the power of man to do evil cannot defeat the power of nature to heal and survive. For dVerse Poets Haibun Monday.

A Phoenix in Kyoto – Haibun Monday

Tall and green she shares her shade. Born of the hibakujumoku, survivor of horror and black rain. So much death surrounded her as buildings crashed and humans burned and life evaporatated. Yet, she survives. As the Phoenix rises from the ashes, and the moon pulls in on herself nature waxes full once more in the steady march of time. Her seeds came to this place where she stands in quiet testimony, reminding all that the stupidity of man is no match for the beauty of nature.

no atrocity
cancels blessings of nature
greening comes again

Til next time ~Peace ~JPP

9 thoughts on “A Phoenix in Kyoto – Haibun Monday

  1. Such a stunning victory, to return in the face of utter destruction. I love this and its symbology and symbiosis. Mother Earth will always return.


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