Just Jot it January # 24 – Zoomie


Today has been hyper busy and I’ve been out all day. Just a quick Jot for January tonight. Thank you Linda so much for this great challenge, it really does help me keep my head where it needs to be (and out of certain dark orifices). 😉 Thanks to Bee for this fun prompt – Zoomie

That Darned Zoomie

Sometimes it’s hard to have roomie
who flies about on her zoomie
about our flat all day she zooms
on that little sportster broom

Sometimes the lamps refuse to glow
as she flitters to and fro
a cloud of dust is all you see
and who’s left to tidy up? Just me.

Her cauldron always smokes and bubbles
I tell you that girl’s getting into trouble
yes life can be full of little glitches
for a student at the University of Witches

Til next time ~Peace ~JPP

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